It’s not in the genes!

Now I don’t normally watch “All Star Family Fortunes”, but last night thought I’d give it a coat of looking at.

I was mildly interested in seeing for myself where “celebrities” come from. You know, what makes them tick and all that. Whether the stock they are from has some kind of totally transparent “celebrity gene” running through it. That they could almost not help becoming famous because it was in their blood.

Or whether the advice given to me years ago, when nervously preparing for a meeting with the CEO at Great Universal, held good and that everybody, whatever they do, are just normal people who’s life has mapped in a different direction to your own.

Then came the families of Zoe Ball and Louisa Lytton!

Proof positive that it is just not possible to generalise.

With the possible exception of Johnny Ball (Zoe’s Dad) who, by definition, is already a celebrity (although I couldn’t guess how far down the list he is at the moment) both of the above were surrounded by half-wits and buffoons.

The people making up these families were not “just normal people” at all. In fact they were about the most abnormal collection of people I’ve seen since going for an interview once at a mail-order company specialising in supplying the transvestite market – I’ll tell that story sometime.

Good old Johnny, despite his celebrity status, even managed to set the tone by answering the question “Name something you would take the top off” with the answer “Peanuts”!!! Now call me old-fashioned but that’s not the sort of answer an esteemed scientist should be delivering to a prime time TV audience – and on this occasion that stands for television! And why did he keep on doing really bad “comedy falls”?

One of Ms Lytton’s relatives, when asked to name a British airport, thought the best answer might be Luton. Oh really ? 

The rest were just airheads pumping out inane drivel and making me wonder how else I could fill the gap between the two X-Factor programmes.  

Maybe something constructive like poking a fork into my temples. It did cross my mind.

Anyway, I now have a whole week to find something else to do in that time. Any suggestions ? Answers on a postcard please …….

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